Five Reasons To Stop Drinking Soda

biological dentist Denver

As a cosmetic dentist in Littleton, CO, our staff at the McGinty Dental Group knows firsthand the damage drinking soda can do to a patient’s oral health. Even if you only enjoy the occasional cola, you should still consider cutting soda entirely from your diet to improve your health and waistline.

Studies have found links between drinking both diet and regular soda to obesity, gum disease and diabetes. By switching from soda to water, you can improve your overall health, boost your energy levels and reduce the amount of sugar you consume. Adding more water to your diet can also help achieve any weight loss goals you have, as well.

If these reasons haven’t convince you to give up soda, here are a few more that might help put a stop to drinking pop.

Drinking Soda Can Cause Weight Gain

Regular soda is full of calories and added sugar, so regularly drinking could obviously causes weight gain. While diet soda may claim to have zero calories, these types of beverages contain artificial sweeteners that can cause you to crave sweet foods, thereby resulting in you consuming more calories overall. Fruit juice drinks and energy drinks also contain high levels of added sugar, so don’t think switching from soda to one of these types of beverages will help lower your calorie intake.

Soda Harms Tooth Enamel

Both regular and diet sodas have high acidity levels, which can strip down and wear away tooth enamel. Drinking dark colored soda has also been linked to tooth discoloration, just like drinking coffee, tea or red wine. A combination of darker, less resilient teeth is not a good look, so for the sake of your oral health and your appearance, give soda a no go.

Drinking Soda Is Linked To Cancer

Studies have found links between regular soda consumption and cancer. Researchers believe that consuming too much sugar from drinking regular soda daily helps to increase the production of cancer cells in the body. Weight gain has also been linked to a variety of forms of cancer, especially among obese individuals.

Drinking Diet Soda Increase The Risk of Stroke

A daily diet soda habit has been linked in studies to an increased risk of stroke. Not coincidentally, soda consumption has also been linked to gum disease, obesity and diabetes, all known risk factors for stroke. So the next time you pick up a six-pack of cola consider what cracking each can could do to your overall health.

Soda Causes Bloating

The bubbly nature of soda ranks as one of the most appeal parts of drinking the beverage. Unfortunately, the carbonation in soda causes your body to become bloated, which can result in an extra 3 to 5 pounds of weight gain due to water retention. Cut out the soda and cut back on the bloat.

As your cosmetic dentist in Littleton, CO the staff at the McGinty Dental Group hopes you’ll consider the lasting effects drinking soda can have on your body. While it might be tough at first, staying strong against soda consumption can make a lasting difference to your oral and overall health.