Cavitation Surgery
Formally known as Jawbone cavitation, or a dead bone pocket or NICO (neuralgia inducing cavitational osteonecrosis), this phenomenon has been around for many years dating back to the 1870s. GV Black in 1915 proposed potential causes of large areas of destroyed jawbone. A disease process from lack of circulation has been one of the strongest theories to why these pockets form. Certainly trauma to the area or poor extraction techniques may contribute. The term now used is FDOJ or fatty degenerative osteonecrosis of the jawbone.
The histopathology of these sites are thin trabeculae bone often under a healthy layer of cortical bone then with mostly fatty cells or mucoid degeneration and edema. The result is a pocket of fatty tissue that is absent of blood supply and accumulates toxins from glyphosate to mycotoxins to Borrelia, Babesia, and Bartonella, and even heavy metals.
These dead bone pockets have been associated with the release of a chemokines RANTES and FGF-2 linked highly to autoimmune and chronic disease. What we notice in our practice after cleaning these sites out the patient often has a renewed source of energy and improved immune function. Much of the studies published currently are headed by Dr. Johann Lechner in Germany